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Rugs Society Premier Hospitality Furniture Rugs Society Premier Hospitality Furniture

Hotel Lobbies – 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Contemporary Hotel Lobbies need modern and eye-catching furniture and bar chairs are the perfect choices for your project. Hotel lobbies need comfortable bar chairs that will emphasize the space. It’s important to create a balance between the design and the functionality of the bar chair. In this article, we will inspire you with some of the best bar chairs for your contemporary hotel lobbies!

Rug'society New Catalogue


Boevange-sur-Attert Armchair

It’s a glam armchair by Mistana that is chic yet simple. This has a curvaceous barrel silhouette and definitely has a comfortable style. Boevange-sur-Attert is the perfect choice for a classic mid-century modern hotel lobbies design.

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Canterbury Chair

This chair is simple, yet glamorous. Canterbury Chair, by Everly Quinn, is the perfect product to use in your hotel lobbies. It’s contemporary and modern with lavish textiles that will satisfy every guest.

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Herkimer Swivel Chair

This distinct chair by Orren Ellis connects subtly with modern inspiration and sleek silhouettes. It can be found in a huge number of different color and patterns which compliment this incredible design. It will give the hotel lobbies an unmistakable interior designer!

Rug'society New Catalogue

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Naj Armchair

Naj, by BRABBU, is an item of strong contemporary furniture full of attitude. Its straight lines and richness design will fit every hotel lobbies interior design. It’s completely handcrafted and customizable, which means that it can fit any type of interior design.

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs


Obama Chair

This chair by Larforma is a tribute to modern mid-century design. Its proportions and the haute couture upholstery, make it irresistible to every hotel lobbies design.

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Ribbon Chairs

Ribbon lounge chair by Pierre Paulin in incredible swooping lines and contoured shape signify this unique and recognized design that will fit perfectly ever mid-century or contemporary interior design hotel lobbies.

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Hotel Lobbies - 8 Eye-Catching Contemporary Chairs

Rug'society New Catalogue
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