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Rugs Society Premier Hospitality Furniture Rugs Society Premier Hospitality Furniture

Hotel Lobbies – Perfect Interior Design Tips

By Beatriz Vieira


Hotel Lobbies are the place where the guests can socialize or even having a business meeting. In that way, this area needs to be impeccable because that is the place where the people are going to spend more time at. In this article, we will find interior design tips to make the hotel lobbies look more attractive.

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Choose the Lighting

Chandeliers are a trend and it will give a glamorous interior decor to hotel lobbies. When it comes to choosing a specific mood for the area, the lighting is the most important decoration to help you create that.

Hotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design TipsHotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design TipsHotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design Tips

Choose the Upholstery

To bright up the hotel lobbies, you can make an interior statement using a colorful upholstery. This is perfect for modern interior design lovers! If, in another hand, you prefer a classic or contemporary interior design you can use neutral pallete colors upholstery.

Hotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design TipsHotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design TipsHotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design Tips


Choose the Center Table

Hotel Lobbies, especially the massive ones, need to have a center table that will create a focal point in the area. It will also bind the interior decor together!

Hotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design TipsHotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design TipsHotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design Tips

Choose the Decoration

Rugs will help to hold the entire decor plan together. And, also, it is a great way to avoid getting stains on the floor! This can be the center of your interior design, so choose them wisely.

Hotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design Tips

Natural Elements, such as interior plants, can help to elevate the decor and create a better atmosphere for the hotel lobbies.

Paintings are the perfect way to make the hotel lobbies more appealing to the eye.

Hotel Lobbies - Perfect Interior Design Tips

Pillows add a different taste and sparkle to your interior design. They can be colorful or more discrete ones, but they will for sure make a statement!

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